28 May 2013

DIRECT INDIRECT / langsung - tidak langsung

hey what's up bro?? selamat datang in my fuckin' blog.
disini gw mao jelasin sedikit tentang Direct-Indirect. langsung aja kali ya, tar keburu bete lagi.

nih definisinya:
Direct = kalimat langsung yang diucapkan oleh pembicara dengan sama persis.
Indirect = kalimat yg gk langsung yg diucapkan oleh pembicaranya dengan gak sama persis.

Contoh I:
Direct = wanita itu berkata kepadaku, "kamu ganteng hari ini".
                              MC                                   SC

Indirect = wanita itu berkata kepadaku bahwa aku ganteng hari itu.
                                 MC                                                 SC

Direct = she said to me,"you are handsome today".
                      MC                         SC

Indirect she said to me that i was handsome that day.
                         MC                               SC

MC = Main clause / induk kalimat
SC = Sub Clause / anak kalimat

berikut adalah alur perubahan tensesnya:

Cara baca:
Apabil SC Direct berupa tenses S.present, maka SC Indirect berupa S.past dst sesuai alur yang tertera pada gambar di samping

Apabila tenses pada MC berupa selain "Past tense" maka SC tidak berubah tenses.

Contoh II:
Direct = she says to me,"you are handsome today".
Indirect = she says to me that i'm handsome today.

Dan berikut perubahan keterangan waktunya:
DIRECT                                     INDIRECT
*Now                                       = Then
*Today                                     = That day
*Yesterday                                = The day before
*Tomorrow                               = Next day
*The day before yesterday         = Two days before
*The day before tomorrow        = In two days time
*Next...                                     = Following
*Here                                        = There
*This week                                = That week


*Statement =Pernyataan

Dir = "I don't hear your voice."toni told me".
Ind = Toni told me that he didn't hear my voice.

*Imperative = Perintah
Dir (+) = She said,"burn my home!".
Ind (+) =She order to burn her home.
Dir (-) = She said,"don't touch my car!".
Ind (-) = She forbid to touch her car.

*WH Question = pertanyaan yang butuh alasan
Dir = Asman said to them,"how can you come here?".
Ind = Asman asked them / said to them how they could came there.

*YES/NO Question = pertanyaan yg hanya butuh jawaban Yes or No
Dir = Asman asked me,"did you come here last night?" (s.past)
Ind = Asman asked me weather/ if i had came there the night before. (past perfect)

"Mungkin hanya itu aja yang bisa gw share. komen kalian gw harapkan.
dan apabila ada yang mao ditanyain atau ngasih saran juga kritik post komen aja blehh.
makasih udah mampir."

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